Copy Photos from PhotoPanda's Vault to iCloud

Requirements: Apple iPhone or iPad

PhotoPanda’s free Vault keeps photo scans safe for 30+ years with no expiration date. But what if you also want those photos in Apple’s iCloud? This guide is here to help!

We’ll explain, in simple steps, how to move your photos from PhotoPanda to iCloud. By the end, all your treasured moments will be safely stored in both places.

These steps are very similar to copying photos to Google Photos. Follow along with this guide if you want to copy your photos to Google Photos instead.

Video Guide

Picture Guide

Step 1: Download Photos from PhotoPanda Cloud Vault Backup

Navigate to your PhotoPanda Cloud Vault Backup. The web link can be found in your Order Complete email or on your Thank You letter.

Press the 3 dots icon at the top right of the screen. Then press “Download all files”.

This make take up to a few minutes, but eventually a popup will appear asking you to confirm the download. Press “Download”.

Download Photos from PhotoPanda Cloud Vault Backup

Step 2: Find the Downloaded Photos

Press the blue icon at the bottom left of the screen with a down arrow when it appears. This will bring up a menu.

In the menu, select “Downloads”.

Find the Downloaded Photos

Select the Photo ZIP File

You should see a file in the list called “Your Name (#Order Number).zip”. Press it.

Select the Photo ZIP File

Open the ZIP File

In the new screen, find your file again. It should be called “Your Name (#Order Number).zip” with an icon that says “zip”.

Press this file to open it.

Open the ZIP File

Open the Photos folder

You should now have a folder called “Your Name (#Order Number)”.

Tap this folder to open it.

Open the Photos folder

Pick Between “Enhanced” and “Original” Quality

You can choose which photos you want to move, the “Enhanced” quality or the “Original” quality.

Tap your choice folder to open it.

choose which photos you want to move

Select All Photos

You will now see all your scanned photos. To import them to your Apple Photos and iCloud, you need to select them all.

Tap the three dots in the top right. Then tap “Select”.

Select All Photos

Press Select All

Now, in the top left, press “Select All”.

Press Select All

Press Share

Now, in the bottom right, press the “Share” button.

Press Share

Press Save Images

Finally, press the “Save X Images” button.

Press Save Images


Your PhotoPanda scanned photos are now saved to your Apple Photos. If you have iCloud backup, they will be saved to iCloud automatically.

Similarly, if you have Google Photos backup enabled, your scanned photos will be saved to Google Photos automatically.

Optional: If you want, you can now delete the downloaded “zip” file and the “Your Name (#Order Number)” folder from earlier.
